Make learners want to learn, this is undoubtedly one of the most difficult tasks which fall to the trainers. To meet this challenge, the educational methods have followed one another. And microlearning today seems to be an answer found by a large number of companies. The principle ? Break down a concept into fun, interactive and engaging daily micro-content (between 3 and 5 minutes).
This trend, breaking with “macro-learning” (Ex: MOOCs) and generally associated with mobile learning, is to be praised by all those involved in training. How to explain this attraction? What are the benefits that everyone derives from the use of microlearning? InTeach enlightens you!

Why do learners love microlearning?
They already consume microlearning from morning to evening : The short format is already omnipresent in the personal use information and communications learners (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube videos, emails). In this regard, microlearning integrates the same type of granularity in the transmission of knowledge into vocational training and teaching.
They gain autonomy and are empowered: finally free! Learners are free to view their training grains when they are available, when they find a moment of respite from their busy schedules. Free of power learn at their own pace and thus come back to a point that was poorly assimilated.
They can access it on any device: accessible everywhere, on smartphone or tablet, with or without connection, microlearning is ATAWAD (AnyTime Anywhere Any Device).
A modern learning experience: Microlearning is based on a multiplication of formats, in particular the so-called “rich” formats. These rich-media use sound, video or image to generate interaction with its audience. Learning no longer consists of sitting and being passive behind your computer, it becomes mobile, dynamic and interactive.
Why do trainers love microlearning?
A response to the challenge imposed by millennials: A future challenge in training is to train this new population which is about to invest massively in the job market. Microlearning, backed by gamification and mobile learning, offers a renewal in training: more interactive, more fun and more engaging.
More efficient : The principle of microlearning is based on the granularity of the content: it involves breaking down a concept into different sub-contents. In doing so, the learner concentrates on a single element of knowledge which he can immediately apply. Thanks to the multiplicity of formats (quiz, multiple choice questions, video, game, animations), the learner is more engaged.
Quick to produce: Forget the old learning devices requiring several weeks or several months of production. It is now possible for the trainer to create and deploy training in less than 2 hours.
An easily updatable format: Who says micro-content says micro-modification to update the content. A agility particularly appreciable for regulatory training, which is brought to evolve regularly for example.
A perfect complement to other methods in a blended device: This format sees its power increased tenfold when it combines with other devices: we talk about blended learning. Upstream, during or downstream of face-to-face training, microlearning thus has a lasting effect on the knowledge retention. Combined with MOOC / SPOC, it can also provide incomparable availability.
Why do companies love microlearning?
A considerable economic gain: Choosing microlearning is profitable from an economic point of view insofar as reuse is almost infinite. In addition, the production of content is possible internally. In this sense, it is not mandatory to use an external provider. Thus, in comparison with e-learning and face-to-face, the cost per learner is much lower.
The possibility of training a large volume of learners on the move: Yesterday, organizing training for a large number of employees was a real headache. Today, this is no longer the case. It almost becomes simple to train 10 employees concentrated in the same city as 10,000 employees dispersed internationally.
An (almost) infinite scope : The strength of microlearning lies in the fact that it applies to many use cases (regulatory training, product training, business training, security training, skills training) in various sectors (retail & distribution, luxury, banking, insurance, etc.).
Federate your organization around an application : Dressed in your graphic charter and struck with your logo, your microlearning application will constitute an essential brick in your strategy. employer brand.
You too will love microlearning!
As you can see, this learning method, when combined with other devices, becomes a performance support tool that will delight learners, trainers and companies. So what are you waiting for to try?