InTeach, c’est une plateforme de microlearning au service d’une pédagogie ambitieuse qui a pour objectif de réconcilier le digital avec l’engagement, le distanciel avec l’accompagnement, l’apprentissage avec le plaisir. Comment ? En mettant en oeuvre des principes érigés au fil des nos expériences de formation, telle une formule que nous n’avons cessé de forger au fil des années et qui à force d’ajustements, a su enfin trouver sa pleine efficacité.
The 5 elements of the formula
Modules of 3 to 5 minutes which make it possible to mobilize the full attention of the learner and to encourage engagement thanks to a granularity compatible with the agenda of an employee always busier.
Mobile learning
All the educational content we create is optimized to be distributed on the medium that your learners use the most: the smartphone. Knowledge in the pocket, accessible everywhere and when the learner chooses 📱.
There is a player in each of us who is just waiting to progress. An essential corollary of commitment, gamification (or the use of the springs of the game) stimulates your teams. Rankings, duels, quizzes, contests, badges… We use these springs via proven features and make learning fun and motivating!
Sequenced learning
Guiding the learner and stimulating him in his learning so that he is not left to his own devices is a crucial issue in distance learning. This is why all our training courses are real sequenced, rhythmic and delimited campaigns over time so that your employees always stay motivated and reach their objectives by a determined horizon.
Coaching by a trainer
All those who have deployed distance training know it: the digital 100% without human support generates disappointments and little progress. In each of our training courses, we provide experts and coaches responsible for coordinating and monitoring learners step by step. Even from a distance, your learners are followed, surrounded and motivated. 💪🏼.