InTeach est une solution de mobile learning qui permet de former vos équipes et vos clients efficacement à distance, sur smartphone et ordinateur.


Des formats courts pour mieux mémoriser les compétences


Des outils de messagerie intégrés pour assurer un lien direct entre le formateur et vos équipes


Des challenges, quiz, jeux pour stimuler et engager

Outil auteur

Créez vous même vos contenus grâce à un outil auteur d’une grande simplicité d’utilisation

Découvrir notre PLATEFORME


Pierre Fabre, InTeach client
EDF, InTeach client
Ducray, InTeach client
Ferring, InTeach client
Amplifon, InTeach client
Bricoman, InTeach client
Evocime, InTeach client
IFP School, InTeach client
Orsys, InTeach client
Societe Generale, InTeach client
#mobilelearning #microlearning #gamification

Créez facilement les formations que vos équipes attendent.

Découvrir notre PLATEFORME

InTeach mobile learning

A strong engagement.

84% completion rate on average over our last 5 training sessions.

InTeach mobile learning

Notable progress.

76% of participants at the required level at the end of training on our last 5 training courses.

InTeach mobile learning

A lasting impact.

93% of learners report having changed their practice over the long term following our trainings.

Our mobile learning offer

At InTeach, our first job is the development of an intelligent mobile learning platform. Then, our customers asked us for help on the content, then on the animation. Today, we take charge of an entire training project, based on our unique pedagogy. From design to animation by our trainers, via video production, we deliver an effective and impactful turnkey training project.

Tailor-made trainings
Mobile learning platform

Les avantages d’InTeach

En savoir plus sur la plateforme


They talk about us

Customer interviews

Discover our customers' mobile learning projects on video. They are our best ambassadors!

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